For the Bullet Hell Game Jam of 2021.

WASD or arrow keys to move. Space to shoot.

If you collide with a hostile object, you must avoid another collision within the next ten seconds or the game will end. 

You can reset the game by pressing the DELETE key at any time.

Splendid music by Moult
Art direction, game design, and coding by Xin Jin Meng

25-Jul-2022: More Danmaku!

  • More danmaku! There's new enemies, new enemy behavior, and far more stuff on the screen!
  • Background should now be as black as your soul!
  • Removed some of the slowdown issues


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I love the visuals here. A bit more juice would go a long way, but asides from that, this rocks!


Thank you! This was my first shmup, I learned a lot and I hope to return to this field some day.